Wednesday, December 28, 2005

fresh fish in the market
cook inlet setnet
I wish I was a fisherman
Tumblin’ on the seas
Far away from dry land
And it’s bitter memories
Casting out my sweet line
With abandonment and love
No ceiling bearin’ down on me
’cept the starry sky above........

if ya wanna go, look here for jobs

alaska job bank
supercub lands on the beach for supply run
matt kills fish
fish camp sunset
drying out rain gear
beer thirty
low tide
pack it up
head in to camp
there it is
hope for the best
this is the way that jesus fished, just a boat and a net. not so much cussing and prolly no outboard.
at slack tide, just pull the net and see what you got
eat together, work together, hate each others guts and risk your life for each other
you can seine in prince willaim sound, gill net in bristol bay, or find yourself a fishcamp in upper cook inlet
everyone's dreamed of it. take off, head north, hop on a boat where noone can reach you except for the captain, and you don't care what he's yelling about, because, you're cold and wet and happy

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

life at the end of the road

well, mela nd I are taking off in a few days to head south to lethbridge,ca. homer has been kind to us. after wandering around alaska it was nice to show up to my little bus on the beach and relax for a while. nice to light a fire in the woodstove and read old books about ghandi. nice to have a fire in the yard and play music with friends. nice to go boating on kackemak bay......let me see if I can upload some photos. read up from here.

Monday, May 02, 2005


what the!!!!

like jesus fished

just pull the net and get the fish....